The Harley-Davidson IRONe Electric Balance Bike. Learn ‘Em Young, Learn ‘Em Good
Jade Jesser | July 14, 2020 | 0 | Electric Bike , Harley Davidson , IRONe , RidingSome say you’re born with it in your blood: that the need to ride isn’t something that can be taught. I’ve heard many tales from the wind scared eyes of riders all across the land that would seem to agree. So if you’re born with it, then it’s never too early to get them ready for it, right?
That’s why Harley Davidson has released the new IRONe balance bikes for beginning riders, and when I say beginning riders, I mean youngsters around the ages of 4 to 7 learning how to balance properly when operating at speeds all the way up to 11 mph. This is an adaptation from another company that Harley purchased that teaches the young rider how to properly rest your feet and use a twisting throttle just like the big kids’ bikes.
Plus, let’s get real, who’s gonna be the coolest first-grader on the block?
So, currently there’s only two different models, the IRONe 12, and the IRONe 16. There’s not a whole lot of difference between the two, other than the 16 is built for children that are a bit taller. Both have a weight limit of about 75 lbs, but the 16 is able to accommodate a 24” inseam, where the 12 tops out at 20”. The 16 is about 2 lbs. heavier, as well, which brings it to a whopping 19 lbs. of weight with the battery.
The 16 can go a bit faster, too. Top speeds in advanced mode allow it to reach 11 mph, where the 12 can only hit about 9. Both bikes have a battery that takes about 30 minutes to charge, and allows for about 30 mins of usage. You’re going to be set back about $650.00 for the 12 and about $700.00 for the 16.
So are they worth it?
Well, like many different types of research out there, there are a slew of brainy-types that think that balance bikes are a great way to teach children how to balance prior to (or in conjunction with) learning to ride a pedal-bike. Balance bikes allow for the child to focus on one aspect at a time, and thus improving their success rates. The basic thought is that worrying about pedals takes focus off of learning about balance, which I thought was a problem solved by getting pushed down a steep hill, but maybe it was just my big sisters being more sadistic than I had previously thought…
In any case, if you are a family of riders, and you know that motorcycles will be in your child’s future, the idea that the acceleration of the IRONe models emulates actual motorcycles,’ so there will be a second nature development of coordination that might actually be beneficial for future riders. There’s not a lot of long term studies on the subject to be honest, but it’s a pretty well known fact that the sooner you get started, the more proficient you’ll become. With the right guidance and respect paid to the lifestyle, I can’t see why instilling proper riding techniques at an early age could possibly be a bad thing.
Besides, I’m at the age when I’m looking forward to grandkids, and I think the shock on my son’s face when the little one unwraps her first Harley is going to be priceless…a man can dream!